Monday, 22 July 2013

The Reality Factor

To give its full title is The 'strictly-come-dine-with-the-voice-of-big-brother-in-the-dragons-den' factor, but for me, and the actor playing the announcer, it would appear this title is too long. We'll go with the Reality factor.

basically this play is about a spoof reality tv show encompassing every other reality you've ever seen but taking it to the last degree by setting it in a PoW camp and having a firing squad shoot the contestants who lose the daily public vote. Its a satire on trash tv and to be honest very, very clever. There are 6 characters supposed to represent different niches within the population and played so very stereotypically- theres a gay guy, a chinese woman, a single working class mum, an attractive wannabe wag, a gym freak and representing the lunatic fringe- a vegan naturist.

At the start of the play it almost comes as a shock when 'Dr Earth' the vegan/naturist makes his entrance, the actor (i didnt catch his name) is very comfortable with his rather skinny physique and very comfortable with his nudity. Must say its a very brave part to play as none of the other show much skin, with the exception of the wag in her skimpy top and skirt.

Over the course of the play elements from all the main UK reality shows take place, as well as typical torture devices one may find in a real PoW camp including a rack, waterboard and stocks. for fans of cfnm this play is a fantastic spectacle as for the next hour Dr Earth performs some pretty intense seens with his female co-stars. He is the dance partner of Kelly - the low class single mum, he also ha some nice interactions with both miss china and 'perfect Anna'. On top of this he is also made to lend a hand at the various "torture" parts of the show including tickling miss china's feet when she has her ankles in the stocks and stretching perfect anna on the rack. its a good job they didnt cast an actor with a foot fetish or bdsm tendencies as it could have got very embarrassing for the man with his penis on show if he'd started to get aroused.

After the cast is one by one executed and it comes down to the last 2 the fourth wall is broken with a tirade of abuse towards us (in effect the tv audience) for their love of trash tv - very poignant and so very ture to be honest. A great play, with a very brave nude character.

I caught this at an advance screening in Edinburgh, the company will take it around the fringe festivals, very worthwhile seeing and a potential future west end show.

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